Elgin Car Shops
Custom Model Building Services for Model Railroaders Everywhere

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The Southern Pacific Clovis BranchThe Southern Pacific Railroad's
Clovis Branch, circa 1951



My current layout represents the Southern Pacific Railroad’s Clovis Branch - a 24.5 mile branch line running from Fresno to Friant in southern California. The layout is HO scale, and set in the summer of 1951.

I started my version of The Clovis Branch in early 2018. I was unhappy with my previous layout for various reasons. While considering what I wanted in a model railway I decided I wanted to model something more manageable - both to build and to operate - while still taking advantage of my generous layout space.

While looking for a new prototype to pursue, I discussed several ideas with friends. One of them suggested I have a look at a book on the SP's Clovis Branch, “Serving the Golden Empire - Branch Line Style” by Joe Dale Morris.

Here, I found lots to love.

The Clovis Branch served many produce-packing houses, a couple of wineries, a large cotton cooperative, a quarry that supplied ballast to the railroad, and a variety of the typical customers found in any small town. Since I enjoy building rolling stock - so much so that I now run businesses building freight cars for others and manufacturing resin roling stock kits - a model of this branch would be the perfect setting for a variety of equipment. At the same time, the SP ran small steam on this branch - it was an ideal home for the 2-6-0s that crews liked to call the “Valley Malleys” - and my modest roster looks just right pulling modest, layout-friendly way-freights and produce extras.

The line itself offered a variety of modelling challenges, too - from vineyards and other farms, to a range of industrial, commercial, railroad and residential structures. There’s even a segment of in-street running as the railroad leaves Fresno, plus a connection with an interurban line (abandoned by my chosen era but resurrected on my layout).

The layout is up and running, and has proven to offer a variety of operation too. It works beautifully for solo operating sessions, which was a consideration given that I live a long way from most of my friends. But when we are able to get together, the layout also supports a “harvest season” session with multiple freights and 4-6 operators. Regardless of the number of people taking part, operating sessions are relaxing yet rewarding.

All in all, it’s been a terrific journey, and it keeps going.

The JD Morris book included enough track diagrams and photos to get me started with confidence. But I’ve learned a lot about the SP and the Clovis Branch since then. Unlike previous efforts, this layout combines a relaxed plan with a generous space, which has made it relatively easy to accommodate changes as I go about Serving the Golden Empire, Branch Line Style ...

Please visit often.


A new kit and some other goodies

March 5th, 2025

 First of all, Tariffs
As far as I know, at this time, the De Minimus exemption, is still in force which means that individual shipments of less then $800.00 value are exempt. So you should be able to get your orders from me without tariffs.

First up, a new kit


The NP/SP&S '51 design 40' boxcar.
In a bit of a departure from the standard ’37 AAR design, the NP built some 1500 boxcars, along with 500 cars for the SP&S, that did use much of the '37 AAR guidelines, featured a continuous side sill, making for a unique looking car.
The kit includes both lettering options and has all the things you've come to expect from Yarmouth Model Works.

For the NYC modelers
The Despatch end


The Despatch 40' roof

 And some fun etched bits
USRA style lateral support brackets

and another style of 2 rung sill step

These steps will mount up into the underside of the side sill.

All these items are now on the website and available for purchase

Follow up on the Tariff blog post

February 4th, 2025

 So we've been given a reprieve, for now.
30 day hold on the threatened tariffs.
Hopefully that continues for the duration.

I want to first thank all those people who voiced support for me and my fellow countrymen as we dealt with this threat. I was touched very deeply and my faith in people was reaffirmed.
I did use some strong language at times and some were offended, to which I say "when your livehood and national sovereignty are threatened, then you can judge."

I also want to drive home how massive a sense of betrayal most Canadians are feeling right now towards what we thought was our closest ally.
So let me tell you a story.

This is my grandfather;

Lt Cmd G.M. Oliver on the bridge of the landing craft he commanded for the Normandy invasion.

These were American built vessels that were Lend-Leased to the Royal Navy and 20 were then seconded to the Royal Canadian Navy for invasion duty.
My grandfather made multiple trips across the channel carrying troops to the beaches,
Including landing US troops onto Omaha Beach.

This was the legacy that has been crapped on. I can only imagine what Gramps would be saying...

It's also important to say, for the most part our issue is not with the American people, but with the current presidential administration.

Hopefully this chapter is over.

Now onto better news.
In the next couple of weeks the NP/SP&S '51 built boxcars will be released
I just need to write instructions.

My heartfelt thanks for all your support. It got me through some difficult hours.


February 2nd, 2025

 As of this date, Feb 2, 2025, Trump has decided to impose a 25% tariff on all Canadian goods, save oil. Effective Tuesday the 4th.
Which still gives us an option to avoid this insanity.
Should he pull the trigger;

One way or another, everything I sell to my US customers will likely windup costing 25% more. Whether I have to add it to the bill and submit the tariffs to the US government, or the customer has to pay the tariff to the shipper before receiving his package.
We're being told that former $800.00 valuation exemption is being removed.

As you can imagine, I'm not happy about this.
The future of Yarmouth Model Works is now very much in doubt. We will try and persevere through these trying times and hope that common sense returns before too much damage is done to both of our national economies.

If the policies announced  remain in force through the summer, I will not be attending any of the RPMs I usually frequent.

Buckle up people, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

Let's talk about Tariffs

January 10th, 2025

 I've been avoiding writing about this contentious issue, in part because I'd been hoping that is was a lot of bluster from incoming President Trump, but it's looking more and more likely.
Also I've been motivated by Jason Shron's excellent column in January RMC on the same topic.

Simply put, the threatened tariffs will raise the end cost of almost everything we consume in this shared hobby of ours.
It's that simple.

How the tariffs will be collected remains to be seen, but most likely for mail order items such as my products, it'll be collected by the post office before they hand over to you your package.
If I wind up having to prepay the tariffs before shipping into the US, that amount will be added to the price of every item I sell.
That's the way it works.

I'm hoping that wiser heads prevail in this.
Right now I am still moving forward on new projects. The Canadian Postal strike and a few other hiccups have set me back on releases of new kits.
I'm hoping that within a month or so this car will be ready

Etchings are enroute from the UK and I've been casting up a storm.
Stay tuned

NP reefer trucks

October 2nd, 2024

 For you fellows looking to acquire an NP reefer kit from me in Naperville at the RPM;

By special arrangement with Brian Leppert of Tahoe Model Works, we have come into possession of a limited number of the NP T-section Andrews trucks.
The style shown in this image

These trucks are frames only, and will be sold on a first come first served basis. $3.50 a pair

ACF proprietary roof

September 23rd, 2024

 Ben Scanlon was asking for this
The best photo I ever found for this roof

New kits for Naperville 2024

September 13th, 2024

 Where as the summer gone?
It's less than a month until the Naperville RPM.


It's great to see that Frank Hodina has resurrected the granddaddy of the RPMs.

Yarmouth Model Works will have 3 new kits available for sale that weekend.

YMW #143.1 CNR wood sheathed reefer

YMW #143.2 GTW wood sheathed reefer

YMW #144 NP wood sheathed reefer

All three feature, one piece body castings and new underframe patterns, photo etched details including prototype specific ladders, laser cut running boards, Tahoe Model Works truck frames and cutom decals from Black Cat Publishing.
Price per kit will be $65.00 USD
The kits were be available through the website right after the RPM at 


Come and say hi at the RPM

Some layout improvement

June 30th, 2024

 As with so many things in my life, this wasn't planned but just sorta presented itself to me.

I was online, poking around for something, don't recall what, when I came across this;


And I was enthralled.
Small, simple and affordable.
Now I have been using the "Bullfrog" from Fast Tracks
and was mostly satisfied with them except for one ongoing issue.
Sleeve snagging

I have relatively narrow aisles in places, and the choke rods were forever getting caught in clothing and generally annoying me and my operators.
So now that I'd identified a turnout motor that I liked, time to solve the other problem;
Mounting toggle switches.
Again a prolonged Google search turned up the desired item

Exactly what the doctor ordered. 
I contacted Daniel Mack at "Togglecup" and a order was quickly placed.
A brief foray into the DigiKey online catalogue for single pole toggles and some 2 pole terminal blocks and we're ready to go.

The fascia mount is simple, just drill a 1.5" hole in the fascia for the toggle cup and screw in place

Installation of the motor is straight forward.
Pass a piece of piano wire up through the existing hole in the roadbed and throwbar, and screw the motor in place, after some brief fiddling back and forth. I found that a piece of double sided tape on the motor helped keep things in place until I could get a screw in.
Wiring is simple
12 VDC
one lead to the common connection, one lead to the toggle.
2 leads back from the toggle to the 2 options on the toggle
The 2 pole terminal makes it easy for me to run a daisy chain to the other motors along the way

There are terminal screws for frog polarity should one desire, I use Hex Frog Juicers, so that's a nonissue.

The only thing I struggled with was the actual mounting screws
I had bought #4 panhead, Robertson drive screws. It's a Canadian thing. Best screw invention ever. If the screw head is made properly, the screws stay on the end of the driver. However, as with most things these days, these screws are made in China and they don't make the socket in the screw head deep enough, so screws keep slipping off the driver.
Much swearing ensues.

Anyway, one down 51 to go
Fun times on a long weekend

All expectations surpassed

June 7th, 2024

 As of today, Friday June 7, 24, advance sales of the helium tank car have ended.
The number of kits ordered has far exceeded the numbers I expected to of sold, and I wish to still have a few for sale at the table in St Louis.

My sincere gratitude to all who have committed to buying the kit.
Every new resin kit offering is a bit of a gamble these days. It's encouraging to see market confidence.

Deliveries will start late July

Again thanks to everyone for the support

Now available on the website

June 5th, 2024

 Three new kits are now on the website for immediate sale



Advance sales of the Helium tankcar have surpassed expectations.
If you have not made your purchase and intend to do so, I would act quickly. Only 100 kits are being made and over 70 have been purchased

Helium tankcar preorders

May 17th, 2024

 In a departure from our usual procedure, it has been decided to accept pre-orders for the Helium Tankcar kit.
You can go to the website,

and order your kit effective immediately. Kits will ship out upon my return from the St Louis RPM.
If you wish to pickup your kit at the St Louis RPM, send me an email telling me that, and I'll refund the default shipping amount.
At this time only 75 kits are planned to be made. More maybe available later, depending upon demand. 

Well I'm excited...

May 11th, 2024

 I hope you are too.
It's finally done.

From this,

To this,

It's taken over 7 years and many iterations to get to this point, but this model is done!

I expect that the kit will be released for sale at the St Louis RPM in July, and then it'll be on the website.
And I'm pleased to report that the model went together with even less effort than I was anticipating. Careful, thoughtful design pays off in the long run.

A huge thank you goes out to Peter Aue, Rob Kirkham and Ryan Mendell for all their invaluable assistance is getting this idea over the finish line. Could not of done it without them.

And for fun, this photo was arguably the most useful photo I found in figuring out this model

New kits for the NERPM

May 9th, 2024

 These 3 kits will be released at this years New England RPM in Springfield

140.1  Great Northern 50' rebuild, Empire Builder decals $65.00

142.1 NYC Lot 858 40' boxcar Gothic lettering $65.00

142.2 NYC Lot 858 40' boxcar "Cigarband " lettering  $65.00

The Lot 858 cars were the last 40' cars built for the NYC. They used the Despatch roof and ends for a unique looking car
All 3 models feature custom decals from National Scale Car
The kits are pressure cast resin with photoetched details and include correct trucks
They will be available through the website following the NERPM

Progress this day

April 22nd, 2024

 It's more than a viscous rumour.
It's happening!

The parts for the helium car are in the house and work has begun on the pilot model.
The kit will be released later this year, either St Louis RPM or Naperville.
Watch online for annoucements

Stop the Presses

December 24th, 2023

 More like stop the model making.

Overnight it was pointed out to me that the domes on the winecar look out of proportion to the prototype photo.

And I realized that the individual was right.
The model domes are far too large.
I had been sent dimensions that are now clearly incorrect.
I had been told the domes were 48" in diameter, but I now believe that they are closer to 40".
An object lesson in tunnel vision. We were so excited to have figured out the underframe along with finding a feature in Solidworks that allowed us to make the dome collars in 5 minutes, that we didn't see what was right in front of our faces.

So it's a couple of steps back and try again
If it were easy, everyone would be doing it!

Things to look forward to in 2024

December 23rd, 2023

 2023 has been a good year.
The arrangement with Modelu has worked out very well, lots of people enjoying what are the finest figures on the market these days. We had a couple of minor glitches with the ordering process between myself and Modelu, but we've figured that all out now. I am astonished that some websites really don't like certain web-browsers. Add it to the list of things I don't understand.

We have a number of projects that we're working on which should be ready sometime in the coming year

Helium tank car

We've been working for a couple of years now on this, refining the etchings and the 3D printed pattern parts. It's now nearing the finish line.
The kit will consist of cast resin components, along with photoetched overlays and detail parts, and laser cut running boards. It will also include 3D printed 100 ton trucks. Some modeling skills will be required to build this model, but if we've done it right it will not be overwhelming.

Reading 50' stretched boxcars
These are a curious but seriously cool project. In the mid 60s, the Reading took their ACF built 40' boxcars and cut them apart and made them into 50' cars. They added 3 diagonal roof panels into the middle of the ACF proprietary roof, as well as side sill reinforcements and a couple of door sizes.

We're looking at 2-3 variants to offer of this car. One thing we're going to try, is to take a page from the military modeling world and create a paint mask for the Reading banner, rather than give the modeler and large awkward decal to wrestle with.

NYC lot 858

The only 40' cars built for the NYC that used the distinctive Despatch Shops roof and ends.
Inspired by an article Seth Lakin, we've created a one piece resin body casting for this kit and it will include all the usual etched details that you've come to expect from Yarmouth Model Works.
National Scale Car is working up the decals for us

Northern Pacific 90000 reefer

Working with Aaron Gjermundson, we're creating a all new one piece body kit for this wood sheathed reefer.
Along with resin body parts there will be the usual etched details and custom decals for this model

CNR wood sheathed reefer
Along the same lines of the NP reefer, we are working on a new one piece body for this car
Black decals will be part of this offering 

And the one I'm really excited about
GATC 6 compartment wine tankcar
With the help of Frank Hodina( who provided the type 30 bolster) and Ryan Mendell( machining genius) we are close to be ready to release this kit
A must have for anyone modeling traffic from California
We will be offering this kit with 3-4 different decal options

So lots going on, as well as other projects in the wings.
So my thanks to all who have supported me over the years.
We'll keep working on creating high quality resin kits for a few years yet to come
Enjoy your holidays and have a great 2024

Wow, just Wow

October 25th, 2023

 The custom painter we're using over in the UK, just sent me these photos of the work he's been doing for me, for customers who requested painted figures.

To say I'm pleased is an understatement

He even did plaid shirts!
Can't wait to see these in person

Couple of new things from Yarmouth Model Works

October 1st, 2023

 Continuing in the vein of supplying modelers with what is becoming hard to find these days, we have 2 new basic body shells for those kitbashing projects



 Now available on the website for $25.00 each plus postage

Well that's a bit of an Ooooppps

September 25th, 2023


The launch of the Modelu figures has been very successful, particularly with the Test Track article in the latest Railroad Model Craftsman.
However, this morning, I discovered a rather serious booboo on the website.
The figure prices listed, show the British Pound value in USD.
So I will be spending a few hours fixing that error.
Not sure how that one got by us, but there you have it.

And we're live!

July 23rd, 2023

 The website for Modelu figures is now live and taking orders

The site is not fully complete and there are items to be added. 
That will be tasks for the coming weeks
I will have a large selection of figures at the St Louis RPM next weekend as well.
See you there

New items in time for the St Louis RPM

July 1st, 2023

 It's been both frustrating and exciting in the YMW shops.

For reasons I won't go into, the website for the Modelu figures has been delayed many months. At this time I still don't know when the website will be active.
However I will have a selection of Modelu figures available for sale at the St Louis RPM at the end of this month.

In the good news department, we have 5 new kits that will be released at the St Louis RPM.
The first 3 were originally Sunshine Models kits that have been reworked. Made into one piece bodies and have had custom photoetch details created along with new running boards and all new decal artwork from National Scale Car.

YMW-137 SP B-50-12A

YMW-138 NYC 40' steel rebuild

YMW-139 NYC 1 1/2 door raised roof rebuild

And 2 all new resin kits. One piece resin cast bodies, custom etchings , TMW trucks and all new decal artwork from National Scale Car

YMW-140 Great Northern 50' rebuild single door

YMW-141 Great Northern 50' rebuild double door

Each kit will retail for $65.00 USD and will be available through the website shortly after the RPM

And as a wee bit of a teaser
Here's a shot of a project we've been working away on slowly for a couple of years now;

A helium tank car kit.
This has been a tricky project trying to get the details just right.
At this time we're looking at multimedia kit, pressure cast resin components, photoetch side sheets, laser cut running boards and 3D printed trucks.
No firm release date as yet, too many variables in the various supply chains, but I'm hoping early next year.

See you in St Louis!

Big news!

April 8th, 2023

 I'm thrilled to announce that Yarmouth Model Works will be the first "stockist" in North America to stock the Modelu line of figures

Initially I will be only stocking the North American figures, mostly in HO, but some O scale as well.
Everything in the product line can be ordered though

These are simply the nicest figures available today, which is why I decided to import them.
It will take a few weeks for the website to up and running, as well as for initial inventory to arrive from the UK.
Bookmark YMW-Modelu.com and checkin in a few weeks.

Let's talk about paint

April 8th, 2023

 As many of you know, I'm a big user of Scalecoat paint. Sadly, Minuteman Models, has closed his doors over the winter. So there ends that supply line. I have heard that someone is looking at purchasing the product line and rereleasing the paint into the market. Only time will tell if that comes to fruition.

I still have a large inventory of Scalecoat paint for my own uses, but I feel that I have to now look to alternative paints to recommend for use on future model kit releases. Not much point in suggesting something that maybe hard or impossible to source.

Fortunately, there are many options, and I'm going to list my favorites, but first lets quickly review what I won't use, knowing that your results may vary;
TruColor. Never, ever, ever again. I had a HUGE paint fail on a large number of cars I did for a client many years ago. This paint will not adhere properly to resin. Nuff said
Tamiya. I like Tamiya for scenery and structures, but I don't trust it on resin.
Most other acrylics. Most acrylics don't bond well to resin and early generations are tricky to work with.

Now to the paints I'm having good success with

AK Interactive Gen 3

These are the first acrylics I've worked with that didn't leave me swearing half way through the paint job. And the best part is, there's a great selection of red/browns. The consistency is constant from colour to colour.

AK RealColor

This is an Acrylic Lacquer. (The nuance is lost on me too) This is lovely paint to work worth. It handles very much like Floquil or Scalecoat. I make a point of thinning this with the brand name thinner. Saves a lot of potential grief

Mr Color

My new favorite paint. This stuff is a delight to work with. When combined with Mr Color leveling thinner, delightful results occur. And it is opaque, which can not be said for many acrylics these days. Some creativity maybe required to achieve some of the red/browns we desire, but it is well worth the effort.

All three of these paints dry relatively quickly. So no more waiting a week or more for Scalecoat to fully cure.
These paint lines can be found through hobby shops that cater more to the plastic modeler, but a trip into that realm is worth the effort just to see all the delightful tools and finishing products that are available.

It is well worth exploring these alternatives. There are alternatives to our old tried and true products, and you may discover some techniques.

The resin elves have been busy

February 10th, 2023

 Here it is
After many years of delay
The Soo Line 36' stock car

From a fabulous set of patterns by Aaron Gjermundson.
Pressure cast resin, injection molded sill steps, custom decals from Black Cat, custom etchings, laser cut running board, Tahoe Model Works Andrews truck frames and a tiny 3D printed brake staff support.

The kit will be on the website sometime next week, $60.00 USD plus postage.

Another Successful Binbrook RPM!

February 6th, 2023

 It's February, which means 2 critical things,
Winter is almost over
And it's time for the Binbrook RPM!
My friend (Hunter Hughson) celebrates his birthday by hosting a group of like minded modelers to his home for a day of trains, food, laughter and comradeship. And if you don't have to drive home that day, Bourbon sours!
This year was the first since the Covid changed our lives, which only made it even more special. Along with the usual suspects, we had people in from Atlantic Canada, Quebec City, and one stalwart pal all the way from North Dakota. So good to see our friends.
The icing on the cake was the next day the distant travelers made their way to St Thomas and we put the layout through it's paces.
My guests all thoroughly enjoyed the experience of operating the Clovis branch. I enjoyed watching the layout do what it was created to do.
Entertain my friends and guests for a few hours.
It's been a very trying year health wise, and certain issues persist, but watching 4 people so thoroughly derive pleasure from my layout lifted my spirits and allowed me to forget, briefly, about my trials.
Thanks guys for making the drive, and Hunter, we'll do it again next year.
This time with Ted and Aaron! And of course the man who designed the layout, Trevor.

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©2022 Pierre Oliver - Elgin Car Shops - All rights reserved. Images may not be used without permission.